About Me

I am a photographer, writer and social scientist...this is my forum for creative expression. I am using this blog to document my days and nights in the city that never sleeps...all the photographs, unless otherwise credited, have been shot by yours truly. If I offend you...good...I hope you begin to think more critically about the world in which we live. I am here to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly...and there is a whole lotta ugly out there!!! If you have a problem with anything that I write or photograph, let me know. It will not change my opinion but I appreciate and welcome discourse. One little bit of advice...don't do stupid things and let me photograph you...it will turn up on my blog.


Sunday, November 29, 2009

Denmark Trip with Crunc Tesla - Friday

So..out of the random files... In October, I had the chance to roll with Crunc Tesla and the the Vampire Killaz out to Denmark for a couple of days and rock some shows in Copenhagen. If you ever get a chance, definitely go to Denmark, Sweden or anywhere you can in Scandenavia...the scenery is amazing, the people are nice and there are a lot of young adults that are into nightlife and music.

ENjoy the photos.

Mc K - Swift, our poster and Jamal.

We were not on our way to a costume party.. this person just happened to be wearing a Moose outfit in the train station...interesting.

We started out Friday night by hopping the train and going into downtown Copenhagen and kind of wandering around looking for bars and clubs.  One of the first places that we stopped was a bar with a graffiti covered room in the basement of the building and a lot of cigerette smoking.  But the beer was kind of cheap.

After being driven to the wrong part of town by a taxi, not being let into a Brazilian olypic celebration party, and running into some kids that were so exited to see African Americans, we walked our way over to club Rust..which was rocking...i mean really rocking.  Big up to la Cocina Sound Systema... they killed.it.  Dubstup is so official.

The lovely bartender downstairs was super cool... she spoke english and used to live in ATL...but was def Danish.

The club was packed with dancing, sweaty people rocking out to dubstep and live performances.  We got a chance to rock for about 15 minutes.. completely improv and got a great response.  It felt awesome to freestyle to Dubstep in Denmark tin front of a very hype audience.

Like I said.. people are friendly in Denmark.. they tend to like Americans.

After a long night, we dipped and began the walk back to the train station and on the way came across an inconspicuous underpass that was lined with Danish graf.

All in all, it was a great day.  We flew in, ran into some old German dudes that gave us free liqor at the airport at 8 in the morning, spent the afternoon in Christiania, took a brief nap, hit the club, performed, met some very friendly danish girls, kisked it with some Danish Djs and emcees and returned to the hotel at 5 am.  Good start.


Monday, November 23, 2009

Burner party

I know that the name of my blog is EAT THE CAKE NYC...but I am from Washington, DC and I travel there all the time for parties, gigs and whatnot. Check out some photos I took at a party in my old neighborhood...THE THEME WAS CONCRETE JUNGLE.


Big Game Cats,

Tiki Men

My man Josh.. he invited us to the party and will be Djing with us at the Naughty Snowball on Dec 11, 2009.

Me...with the Elephant head.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Archive of work.. .. You might see yourself...

Here is a slide show of a whole lot of photos that I have taken over the past couple of weeks.. enjoy..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The next Big Thing @Liv

Last week I shot THE NEXT BIG THING at Liv in Washington DC - it was a showcase of local talent put together by MindBolic x Bubblistic x Tyrone Norris (1vsM). DC has a lot of talent...if you can, take the time to learn about some of these artists. Enjoy