About Me

I am a photographer, writer and social scientist...this is my forum for creative expression. I am using this blog to document my days and nights in the city that never sleeps...all the photographs, unless otherwise credited, have been shot by yours truly. If I offend you...good...I hope you begin to think more critically about the world in which we live. I am here to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly...and there is a whole lotta ugly out there!!! If you have a problem with anything that I write or photograph, let me know. It will not change my opinion but I appreciate and welcome discourse. One little bit of advice...don't do stupid things and let me photograph you...it will turn up on my blog.


Friday, January 30, 2009

Chris Carr portfolio

Fashion Photos.

DJ Sophie...

Jade and the Counter Culture Collective Dancers.

Dj Vinyla...


Slim (formerly of the R&B group, 112) video shoot- behind the scenes.

Advertising campaign for ONE VS MANY clothiers.
Shoot #1 - Wash DC.

Shoot #2 - NYC

Shoot #3 - Wash DC

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Toccara Gallery...

This is a post for all of you that love Toccara...who said that models need to be all skinny and on Heroin...

Stoney B day party - 2009

Stoney B day Praty at Anu's

Obama Day - Jan 20, 2009 - Math Panda Album release Party

Friday, January 23, 2009

Inauguration Day - Jan 20, 2009 - Obama day - inaug09

Obama Day!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday was one of the most breathtaking days of my life. My girlfriend and I went down to the National Mall to experience all of the inauguration madness...we went with my Jason, Chay, and Annie..it was nuts.

Out the door by 9:15 am and the streets were packed. We walked from 14th and Rhode Island over to 17th street and then walked down 17th until we could get onto The Mall...we posted up at the Washington Monument for the festivities with millions of others, sharing the experience of such a groundbreaking day.

This sign is crazy....what did this have to do with the election???

I have been to Freaknik, Memorial day weekend in Miami, protests in New York, Mardi Gras and a ton of other events that are heavily populated...I have never seen as many people in one place as The National Mall for the inauguration...and nobody got arrested...and everybody was in great spirits.

Shepard Fairey party - at the Manifest Hope Gallery...hosted by Heather Graham, Rosario Dawson, Michael Stipe, Moby, De La Soul and Santogold

Monday night was insane!!!! My girlfriend got us on the list for the Shepard Fairey party at the Manifest Hope Gallery in Georgetown...hosted by Heather Graham, Rosario Dawson, Moby,
De La Soul and Santogold. All of the artwork in the two floor gallery was inspired by and dedicated to Barack Obama and the new administration.
needless to say, the line was hectic!!!!

Thanks Matt for getting us in with such alacrity...Peace to Gen Art and the production staff.


MOBY was the guest DJ for the night..he killed it. I don't care what anybody says, Moby is dope and I am glad he played Fat Boy Slim...

Heather Graham....of Boogie nights fame.

If anybody knows the name of the lady on the left, please let me know. I recognized her from the Take back America Conference and the following day she was in the viewing tower with Barack Obama during the inaugeration ...I think that she works with the SEIU.

This young lady was advocating for the adoption of pets instead of going to a breeder...I feel it.

What's up Shaka (on the right)...we went to college together...I love how small the world is.


Below, we have the hosts (from left to right)...two people that I do not know (please help me identify them), Moby, Michael Stipe, Shephard Fairey, Heather Graham, Rosario Dawson, and a spokesman from MoveOn.org.

Michael Stipe was loving the Santogold performance!!!

Dj Contra - the DJ for Santogold..

De La SOul killed it on the mic...check out the performance photos in the slide show at the bottom of this post.

Mike Strautmanis - Chief of Staff to the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Relations and Public Liaison.

Casey Affleck and Heather Graham...awesome!!!

This piece was made by one of Washington DC's street artists...I am trying to find out her/his name...if you know, let me know.

Check out the slide show...this was definately a dope party and a great way to celebrate my birthday...thanks Anu, Chay, Annie and everybody else that partied with me. PEACE