About Me

I am a photographer, writer and social scientist...this is my forum for creative expression. I am using this blog to document my days and nights in the city that never sleeps...all the photographs, unless otherwise credited, have been shot by yours truly. If I offend you...good...I hope you begin to think more critically about the world in which we live. I am here to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly...and there is a whole lotta ugly out there!!! If you have a problem with anything that I write or photograph, let me know. It will not change my opinion but I appreciate and welcome discourse. One little bit of advice...don't do stupid things and let me photograph you...it will turn up on my blog.


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Party with Mad Zach and Ryebread

I got home Thursday night to find a nice little soirée taking place at the crib. We had a couple of friends in town from California (Mad Zach and Ryebread), and they put on a cool Psyphy light and music show.

Mad Zach.
Zach is one of the illest producers that I have met in my life. He makes crazy electronic music as well as hip hop. This dude is awesome.
Ryan and Zach had the projector going, so throughout the night, I would pick up these little weird streaks of light in my images. A lot of cool stuff came out because of it.

It was definitely a party!!!

What up Crunc Tesla -- check out his record...
What's Really Rad...it features a bunch of people that I know and dig as extremely talented musicians.
Ryan at work on the visual effects.
My roomate Anna.
This is the light weirdness that I was describing earlier in the blog.

Have a view into our hallway.

Welcome back into the apartment. On the couch, you see my afghan blanket (knitted by my Aunt) that has somehow been appropriated by my roommate and his friends - that thing is like 20 years old.

This tag (below) is on the wooden post under my roommate's bed. If you do not know who BORF is, he is one of the most notorious taggers/artists in Washington DC. At some point, he was in our crib...that's what's up.
For any of you that question the validity of Graf as an art form, I suggest you try to paint a mural with a spray can...
and I pose a question as well...did Michaelangelo use a canvass for all of his work, what about the Cave paintings At Chauvet-Pont-d'Arc , Hieroglyphics, Sumerian inscriptions ... and countless other examples of artistic expression.

I would like to thank all of the thinkers, artists, and craftspeople that have made this a better and more beautiful world...especially if it turned the planet on its head.

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