About Me

I am a photographer, writer and social scientist...this is my forum for creative expression. I am using this blog to document my days and nights in the city that never sleeps...all the photographs, unless otherwise credited, have been shot by yours truly. If I offend you...good...I hope you begin to think more critically about the world in which we live. I am here to discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly...and there is a whole lotta ugly out there!!! If you have a problem with anything that I write or photograph, let me know. It will not change my opinion but I appreciate and welcome discourse. One little bit of advice...don't do stupid things and let me photograph you...it will turn up on my blog.


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

GEN ART - Shop NYC event

Sorry for the lack of posts...a lot has been going on. I recently purchased a new camera and I have been doing a lot of shooting with it -- have to work out all of the kinks. A lot has been going on...first up is the GEN ART SHOP NYC event. This event took place at the Metropolitan Pavilion in Manhattan and brought tons of designers and fashion people together for a night of drinks, discount clothes and an all around good time. Check out the slide show.

If any of your pieces are displayed, send me a note and I will put you in the keyword section.


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